New Release

The “BC CS50 Pack” from Tone Junkie seeks to recreate the sound of a Bad Cat AB50. This custom Shop amp from Bad Cat runs 6L6s and is extremely versatile boasting both beautiful cleans and overdrive synonymous with the Bad Cat but also a High Gain channel capable of Modern Hi Gain tones. We captures the entire breathe of tones thru 3 speaker M - Celestion G12M25, H - Celestion G12H30 and V - Celestion V30. Profiles/captures of channel 1 feature a more traditional 12ax7 Bad Cat tone with which runs a bit hotter than other…

RC50 Jimmy

New Release

The RC50 Jimmy Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a “Reeves Custom 50 “Jimmy” which is a clone of Jimmy Page’s Hiwatt used on many Led Zeppelin recordings. Compared to other HiWatts this circuit has more gain and a tight punch perfect for Jimmy and all types of rock and blues. We gave you the choice of 3 levels of saturation with 4 sounds each and also your choice of both the H and M speakers.


New Release

Based on a rare Dumble amp known as the “70’s Overdrive Deluxe” the DMBL ODRV Pack from Tone Junkie seeks to capture the sound of an Overdrive Deluxe clone, mic’d with a Royer 121 ands SM545. We utilized 2 speakers the default G12-65 Celestion and the signature EJ speaker the EJ1250. While both fit the amp well you will notice the G1265 is warmer and brings out the amps naturally thick characteristic, especially on the more aggressive Rock settings. Jazz settings are cleaner and cleaner in the midrange in general but the EJ1250 also adds more presence across the range of profiles/capture. We have also included a full range…

$99 Flash Deal

EPIC FLASH DEAL! Get the entire collection for $99! Use code “EPACK99”

The Entire Tone Junkie Kemper Profile Collection available for one low price. The Everything Pack includes, every standard Kemper Profile pack we have ever made! 3000+ profiles and that cover American Blackface and Tweed cleans, British Top Boost, Normal EF86 style chime, Plexiglass grind and tons of boutique edge of break up tones.

Mars 2553

New Release

The Mars 2553 Pack from Tone Junkie seeks to recreate the tone of a 1987 Marshall Silver Jubilee 2553 thru a couple of out favorite cabinets. This classic Marshall has been the sound of 100s of popular records and its reputation is well deserved. Perfect for Rock, Blues, Pop, Early Metal, etc. We shot this as a 3 channel amp. 1 Clean, 2 Crunch and 3 Lead and it's all MONEY!


New Release


Well he made a name for himself in the amp world by building modified Bassman’s and BandMasters and turning them into a cross between a pushed juicy as a peach Bassman and a 70’s Marshall. This one has been outfitted with EL34s and has a blend pot to sort of mix the two sounds together. The resulting tone is one of the most incredible Blues/Rock amps we have found. The amp was dubbed the Blues Maker and we captured it across 3 settings…

Match Brave

New Release

The Match Brave Pack from Tone Junkie seeks to recreate the sound of the 97 Matchless Brave. An amp that is rarer than hens teeth and was the last circuit designed for Matchless my Mark Sampson. The pack contains tones, spanning from clean to British crunch. You will hear a tone reminiscent of legendary British amps but with a beautiful refined high end, a pronounced and clear bass and a fullness all its own while maintaining the high end Plexis are known for. This is one of my all time favorite amps and maybe the best Marshal amp I own. (Which includes several late 60s and early 70s amps.) Inside you will find…

Hot Cat 40

New Release - Liquids Inside

The Hot Cat 40 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the tones of a "Bad Cat Hot Cat 40" running KT88s. Capable of much more gain than it's cousin the BC30, the Hot Cat Pack contains tones that are best described on the cleaner side as a more aggressive AC30 but as the gain rolls up you will notice a much more scooped EQ and aggressive gain level rivaling a hot rodded Marshall.

AC 50 LQD!

New Release - Liquids Inside

The AC50 Pack for Kemper seeks to capture the sound of a 1960s Vox AC50. Featuring a Brilliant and Normal Channel the AC50 takes the AC30s iconic sounds and beefs it up with a pair of EL34 adding a larger amp amp feel. To me the AC50 has a sound that is best described as an AC30 meets a Marshall Plexi. Kemper owners will find liquid profiles of all channels for each speaker IR. ToneX and QC will find Directs and Studio style captures with included IRs allowing…

BC Cub 40

New Release - Liquids Inside

The BC Cub 40 Pack from Tone Junkie for Kemper seeks to recreate the sound of the "Bad Cat Cub 40". Combining the preamp with switchable 12ax7/EF86 preamp similar to the DC30/BC30 but on top of a larger EL34 power section. the 12AX7 side is cleaner and more scooped with a brilliant and beautiful high end. (Very reminiscent of a AC50) The EF86 side is thicker, dirtier and has a pushed…

65 Cambridge

New Release - Liquids Inside

The 65 Cambridge Liquid Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a 1965 Vox Cambridge 1x10 combo. Did you know that before the Vox made the Cambridge into their solid-state model it was made for two year, 65-66 as an all tube 17 watt combo? This EL84 driven 1x10 combo was designed and released to compete with the Fender Princeton reverb and feel like a cross between an AC15/10 and a Princeton. We grabbed its tone thru the Oxford made Golden…

Gainstar 15

New Release - Liquids Inside

The Gainstar 15 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a Star Gainstar 15. Built by Mark Sampson this circuit seems to share a similar tonal architecture to his previous work at Matchless and BadCat but the Gainstar 15 feels like a hotter gainer version of that sound. Channel 1 feels like a hotter and juicier Match type sound with Channel 2 being a completely high gain and searing lead type sound. Still ultra expressive but much more aggressive with a throaty voice. Unlike other attempts at this type of sound like a Hot Cat etc. This amp feels like…

JMP 2040

New Release - Liquids Inside

The JMP 2040 Kemper Profile Pack from Tone Junkie seeks to recreate the sound of a 74 JMP 2040 in 2x12 tall open back cab. HW used some studio trickery like a touch of EQ at two points in the chain, some unique preamp tubes from the Tone Junkie Collection etc. to really dial in what we would call and idealized version of this circuit. The result is a 70's Marshall tone with a ton of upper mid and openness. We profiled the amp with the included cabinet with several mic…

Inspired by JM (Kemper)
Sale Price: $30.00 Original Price: $55.00

Inspired by JM…

New Release

The Inspired by JM Kemper Performance Pack seeks to recreate tones inspired by John Mayer. Built on Profiles of an amp formerly owned by John “JM Porto 1”, Our Dumble SSS Clone, 64 Vibro Champ, DMBL JM, DMBLuxe and a 64 VibroVerb and covers 10 Performances based on the tones heard on Gravity, Trust Myself, I Guess I Just Feel Like, Crossroads, Daughters (Acoustic), Heartbreak Warfare, Neon, Slow Dancing and Waiting on the World to Change. We have also included a performance called “Home Base” that features catch all tones to cover other JM songs and tones and feature several varieties of amps….

New Release
The Inspired by JH Performance pack for Kemper seeks to recreate tones inspired by Jimi Hendrix! Built on profiles from late 60s Marshall Plexi, a 59 Fender Bassman 5F6 , and a Marshall JTM 45/100, recreated from Jimi’s amp! We’ve dialed in effects reminiscent of some popular JH tunes…

Inspired by…

58 Bandmaster

New Release - Liquids Inside
The 58 5E7 Bandmaster Liquid Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of HW’s 1958 Bandmaster. Previously believed to be a 1957 is one of my all time favorites amps. We created new profiles of the amp with several mic choices including liquid profiles of the 121-545 combined and…

18 Watt Custom

The 18 Watt Custom Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the tone of a Tyler Early 18 Watt clone. Not sure if this is a one off amp or what, but ours was placed in a custom made 1x12 cabinet. We opted to run it into an old Marshall 4x12 cab with the back unscrewed to give a little more of an open back sound. The result is pretty incredible! WOW!!

This amp really blew us away. Harmonically rich, fat and sustain for days. Absolutely inspired by an old Plexi but this has a magic all its own…ultra responsive beautiful clean and dirty! Liquid Profiles INSIDE!

JH20 Pack!

68 Twin 15 LQD!

New Release
The 68 Twin Reverb 15 LQD Kemper Profile pack seeks to recreate the sound a 1968 drip edge Twin reverb that was outfitted with a JBL D140F speaker. I ran into this amp used in a store and realized that although someone had modified this vintage amp they modified it either back in the 60s or…

57 Deluxe LQD!

New Release - Liquids Inside
The 57 5E3 Deluxe Liquid Kemer Pack seeks to recreate the sound of HW's 1957 5E3 Fender Tweed Deluxe with Original Jensen P12… all new profiles better capturing this amp after its been fully serviced now with LIQUID Profiles. Absolutely beautiful sounding amp. The classic sound of Neil Young…


The Stu G Liquid Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of 4 of Stu G favorite amps using Liquid Profiles. We Liquified Stu’s 62 Vox AC30, 1976 Park 2x12, Marshall Bluesbreaker and his 90’s AC30/6TB. We used Stu favorite combo of the Panther Ribbon with a vintage SM545 but …

74 Purple Plexi

The 74 Purple Plexi Kemper profile seeks to recreate the tone of HW second Purple Plexi, this time a 1974 JMP 50. I would say the tone is slightly hotter and a little more bite and aggression than its cousin the 1968 Purple Plexi. It’s got the Aluminum panel crunch and high end bite that 70’s Marshall are known for…Liquid Profiles INSIDE!

Free Pack!

The BC15 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a Bad Cat Cub 15R in a 2x10 combo configuration. This AC15 on steroids style circuit produced remarkably tight and girthy bass thru the 10 inch speakers with a classic 12 watt el84 grunt and chiming high end. When pushed the Normal profiles bark like the best old AC15 you've ever heard…

Limited Time - $99 for the Entire Collection!
The Entire Tone Junkie Kemper Profile Collection available for one low price. The Everything Pack includes every single pack you for sale on the Tone Junkie site*. It’s an entire Library of Tone with profiles that cover any tone you…

Everything Pack

Match Mini

The Match Mini Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a Matchless SC-Mini. We tailored our setup to get the most out of this little single ended el84, EF86 driven circuit. We profiled it thru a larger Match EDS 2x12 to utilize the M and H style speakers, which lends to even more…

Inspired By…

The Inspired by Slash Performance pack for Kemper seeks to recreate tones inspired by Slash. Built on profiles from an early 70s Marshall SuperLead and a Marshall Silver Jubilee. We’ve dialed in effects reminiscent of some popular GNR tunes including Welcome To The Jungle, Sweet Child of Mine, Slither, Paradise City, November Rain…

Tweed DMBL

The Tweed DMBLuxe Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate a Tweed amp made with all the Tweedle D mods. It’s quite a bit different than a 57 Tweed Deluxe, more punchy and less fuzzy at higher gain. Probably breaks up earlier and overall because of the speaker has a less vintage Alnico speaker…

The Liquid American Kemper Profile Pack seeks to capture the tone of 4 more Vintage Fender amps using the new Liquid Profile amp models. We created 42 liquid profiles from the 67 Bassman, 68 drip edge Bandmaster Reverb TFL 5005D, 68 Twin Reverb drip edge with JBL 15 and probably the greatest fender amp ever made… the 64 VibroVerb! In addition to the dual mic profiles we included single mic profiles of the R121 and SM545 for variations that fit perfectly live or in the studio.

Liquid USA 2!

Liquid American!

The Liquid American Kemper Profile Pack captures the tone of 4 Vintage Fenders using the new Liquid profile amp models. We created 62 liquid profiles with form 4 amps, a 67 Deluxe Reverb, 65 Vibrolux Reverb, 65 Vibro Champ and a 65 Twin Reverb. In addition to the 11 Liquid Profiles of these amps with a Royer 121 and SM545 we also included 21 …

The BobCat 20 Kemper Profile Pack form Tone Junkie seeks to capture the sound of a Bad Cat Bobcat 20. featuring a 6SL7 preamp tube the BobCat profiles have a unique breakup that is aggressive when pushed into overdrive or with the higher gain profiles (marked RIP) but also reminiscent of an 50’s Tweed deluxe ore Valco amp…



The DMBL ODS 124 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a D*mble Overdrive Special #124. We sent this ODS up to lean on its strengths which we felt was on the more aggressive overdrive side with more lower mids…

The Dominator V Kemper Profiles pack seeks to recreate the sound of a very cool amp known as the Aircraft Atomic. This is apparently a prototype amp of a project that never got off the ground. Designed by Doug Roccaforte and EVH guitar tech these Atomic 20 amps were designed to reintroduce the tone of the old Watkins…

Dominator V

Liquid Dreams

The Liquid Dreams Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a Bad Cat BC30 and Matchless Chief but with the magic of liquid profiles. These are two of my all time favorite amps but what happens when we combine the Kemper’s AC30TB and AC15TB tone models with the Bad Cats 12AX7 and EF86 Channels? Or how about the…

Liquid British!

The Liquid British Kemper Profile pack seeks to capture the tone of 3 Iconic British Amps! We created 73 liquid profiles (Studio) of our 1966 AC30TB, 1968 Purple Plexi, and Marshall JTM45/100 Super Amplifier! In addition to multiple speaker combinations we have included many single mic profiles…

The AC44!

The AC44 is the best Vox amp that was never made! We took the AC10 and ran it thru an EL34 Power amp and the result is all the chimey AC top end and break up but with the heft of those EL34s. It's not the AC50 or the AC30 its something new! Cleans up incredibly well and has 4 voices, Normal, Bright, Low Cut and MIDs! Included are 51 ToneX Presets…

It’s a MNSTR!

We have created a MNSTR!!! HW invented an amp like no other, we rigged up two incredible amp in a very unorthodox way and created a circuit that sound like nothing else out there. MNSTR is the full BC30 12AX7 or EF86 pre and EL84 power amp loaded down and brought to line level sent to EQ out to the EL34 Power Section of the Match Chief achieving…

97 Match Chief

The 97 Match Chief Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a 1997 Sampson Era Matchless Chief, 100 watt amp head running thru two of my favorite 4x12 cabs. This is a Top 10 all time Tone Junkie Kemper Pack! The tone is that million dollar high end Match tone meets a 100 watt plexi. Gorgeous snappy cleans, lovely syrupy overdrives and all out EL34 roaring plexi-esque rock!

A Masterpiece!

The SMPN BC30 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a “Sampson Era Bad Cat Black Cat 30R”. This circuit is nearly identical to the Matchless C30 with a few small tweaks. In general I would generalize it as having possibly slightly more lower mids but it’s basically a Sampson Era C30. Million Dollar high end, gorgeous edge of break up, overdrive that an AC30 wishes it could deliver….


The AC10 SRT Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a Henry SRT+, which is a clone of a mid 60s Vox AC10 SRT (Super Reverb Tremelo). Exceptional clean tone with a sparkly top end and can be driven into a harmonically rich and smooth distortion…

78 MARK 1

The 78 MRK1 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a 1978 Mesa Boogie Mark 1 combo amp made by Randall Smith (Initials inside). We profiled 4 different gain structures in this amp combining the its cascading gain stages and gain boost giving 4 unique structures. Combining this with the pull bright switch we shot 40 profiles thru…

The MRK7 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to capture the tone of a “Mesa Mark VII” and features 27 incredibly rocking profiles. We utilized a killer Mesa 2x12 cab with old V30s that we just added to the collection which is an exceptional choice for these rockin heavier tones. Profiles marked CH1 are lower in gain and fuller in the low end and stretch from clean to…

MRK 7!

The TWreck Express 60 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of The "Trainwreck Express 60". These types of circuits are known for their touch sensitivity and ability to clean up with just a pick attack and the guitars volume knob. Given the flexibility of this circuit we profiled it 3 times 1- Chimey, 2- Blues/Rock, 3-Rock/Hard Rock…

TWreck Express!

Mars Master PA!

The "Mars Master PA Kemper Profile Pack" from Tone Junkie seeks to recreate the sound a 1970 Marshall Master PA Amplifier" This all tube Beast is similar to the Super Bass and Super PA amps but with some an added 12ax7 preamp tube and independent tone controls operating after the traditional plexi tone stack. It sounds like a giant marshall with more breathe and boom! We profiles each of the 4 channels…

The Inspired by Eddie Performance pack for Kemper seeks to recreate tones inspired by Eddie Van Halen. Built on profiles from an early 70s Marshall SuperLead and an SLO We’ve dialed in effects reminiscent of 8 popular Van Halen tunes including Eruption, Ain’t Talkin’ Bout Love, Hot for Teacher, Judgement Day, Jump, Pretty Woman…


Stealth 50

The Stealth 50 Kemper Pack from Tone Junkie seeks to recreate the sound of the Crate Stealth 50 designed by Lee Jackson. Sometimes called the Marshall Killer (and loved by niche metal genres) this circuit actually comes from the modded JCM 800 lineage from the late 80s and can…

Blues + Rock!

The Blues 59 Kemper profile Pack from Tone Junkie seeks to recreate the sound of this super rare and one of the most unique amps of all times. The tone is a cross between a 59 Bassman and a Marshall 2204. It shouldn’t work….but it really does. It appears this circuit was designed with Billy Gibbons in mind and It’s a very cool sound that…

The 64 Tuxedo Prince Kemper Profile Pack seeks to capture the sound of a 1964 Fender Princeton amp 6G2 circuit. We profiled this amp thru 2 speakers to give you multiple flavors of it’s cleans, overdriven and rockin’ drive sounds! Plus, we added a brighter and more balanced profiles giving you lots of choices with this classic little amp…

Tuxedo Prince

The DMBL HRM Kemper Profile Pack seeks to reproduce the sound of a replica Dumble Overdrive Special HRM Unlike other Overdrive Specials this variant features the HRM (Hot Rod Marshall) variation. More lows, and searing highs more reminiscent of a some other popular amps, it still sounds like a DMBL just more aggressive and less smooth than the Non HRM models…


Now FREE!!!

The 65 Deluxe Reverb Kemper Profile pack seeks to recreate the sound of my 1965 Deluxe Reverb and with V2 we used the period correct Jensen C12N speaker. We profiles the Normal and Vibrato channels of the amp with a couple of overdrives and some of our favorite boosts to recreate the classic tone of one of Rock, Blues, Jazz, R&B and Worship music's greatest amps….

The MTronX Kemper Pack from Tone Junkie seeks to recreate the sound of a very rare amp birthed from modded Marshall DNA! The late 80’s studio sound is the crunchy LJ modded Marshall sound found on so many records but built from the ground up. Inside you will find profiles marked…

MtronX Rocks!

Modded Marshall

The Mars LJ 800 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a mid 80s JCM800 modded by Lee Jackson. The “Lee Jackson” sound I would describe as a rolled off low end than something like a soldano, and a sweepable midrange push with clear top end bite. (M) denotes profiles with a higher midrange push. The tone is the late 80’s LA Hot Rodded Marshall sound from countless records recorded by, Via, Warren Di Martini, George Lynch etc.

Silver Tones!

61 New Profiles!
If you are bored with your guitar tone…. the Silver Collection is the answer! We tracked down 5 vintage circuits from the Silvertone line available at “Sears and Roebuck” department store (Yes, the one that sold Kensore appliances and bed sheets) back in the day and the results are some of the most unique, lo-fi, beautiful tones we have found….

Hidden Gems!

50 New Profiles!
The Crestline Collection Kemper Profile Pack seeks to capture the sound of the Mid 60’s classic Gibson Crestline series of amplifiers. We’ve profiles the Skylark, Scout, Discoverer, Hawk, Invader, Atlas and Titan thru their respective speaker accompaniments close mic’d with an SM7B and an API 512c. We’ve captured all the differences and nuances in these amps including some of our fav drives to give you the entire crestline collection from the 1960s…

96 New Profiles! The DMBL Collection seeks to recreate the sound of 5 of the most sought after and rare Dumble circuits ever wired up! “SSS”, the Steel String Singer made famous by SRV known for it’s huge tone, high headroom and depth. “JM”, very similar to the ODS circuit used by John. “PHNX”, the UltraPhonix mod done to various amps including Bassman and Bandmasters. “183”, The ODS made with EL-34s. “HRM” Hot Rodded Marshall era ODS. Enjoy your new collection of Dumble Amps!


The 65 Collection

190+ New Profiles! It’s like getting in a Time Machine and going back to 1965! We profiled the entire Black Panel Fender amp line up with the same mic, pre and speaker position across all 13 vintage models with their matching speakers and cabinets. It’s like sitting in a music store in 1965 and trying out the entire line….

1962 Pro-Amp!

The 62 Pro Amp Kemper Profile Pack seeks to reproduce the sound of a 1962 Fender Pro Amp thru multiple speakers. The magic of these profiles is similar to the magic of the amps in real life….pull up the fully gained up profiles and pull the volume back you will get full blackface-esque cleans with the ability to roll up the volume into all out Rock N Roll break up. 10/10, sleeper vintage amp!

The 58 Rocket Kemper Profile pack seeks to reproduce the sound of a 1958 Ampeg Rocket with original Jensen P12 speaker mic’d with an R121 and SM545, thru Heritage Audio Neve style Pre-Amps. These vintage gems are something special with a late 50’s vintage warmth reminiscent of a Tweed Deluxe mixed with a Supro or Magnatone.

58 Rocket

Stu G’s Monarch Kemper Profile Pack seeks to capture the sound of a Benson March owned by Stu G and profiled in his Studio in Nashville, TN. Utilizing a Panther Ribbon and Vintage SM545 combo, Stu’s profiles of this Monarch are punchy and bold! We’ve profiled 12 new profiles of this amp and placed them in 2 performances for the US and UK…


Stu G’s 76 Park!!!

The Stu G’s Park Kemper Profile Pack seeks to captures the sound of the original 1976 Park 212 Reverb used by Stu G on tons of recordings with Delirious and countless recording projects. This pack contains profiles of channel 1, channel 2 and the channels linked together. We’ve also included Dual Profiles of the 76 Park and a 73 JMP 50…WOW!!!

67 Drip Edge

The 67 Deluxe Kemper Profile Pack seeks to capture the sound of a a 1967 Deluxe Reverb with original Oxford speaker mic’d with a R121 and an SM545. This is one of the cleanest examples of a drip edge deluxe I have ever seen and I had to grab it. As soon as I plugged it in I remembered why these drip edge 67s are so sought after… We profiled both channels with various overdrives and I built in my…

Stu G’s 62 AC30

The “Stu G 62 AC30 Kemper Profile Pack” seeks to capture the sound of a 1962 pre top boost original AC30 with original Alnico Blue Speakers. Grab a gretsch and it sounds like the Beatles or the Kinks, grab a Strat and prepare to hear the bell like tone of your dreams, grab a Tele and it’s early rock and roll! This is the definitive tone of the copper top early AC30s.

Stu G Collection!

The Stu G Kemper Collection Bundle contains all of Kemper profile packs created by Stu G and Tone Junkie including, the 62 AC30, 76 Park, The Arshall, Stu G Studio Pack, Monarch and GioVerb. It’s like being in Stu G’s studio and getting to play all his stuff!


The Mars Collection is 151 NEW Profiles seeking to capture the sound of 4 Vintage Marshalls. The goal was to capture each amp in the most raw and honest way possible, with one mic setup and one cab to really hear the differences between these circuits. The result? This may be the best pack from Tone Junkie yet, because of how many flavors of British Rock are packed into these 151 profiles. ($26K in Vintage Marshalls)

Bend Sun

Sometimes you get it right the first time! Now available with updated effects and FREE for all to enjoy!


A well known amp builder built this D**** replica for me. I told him I liked John’s and thick OD channel. He worked his magic, covered it in Cow Skin and when I plugged it in I said “HOLY COW” and hopefully so will you! We profiled this amp on multiple settings thru an old pair of G12-65s and cab swapped in the 15 inch JBL D140F from the 64 Vibroverb…


Dumble's 2204 Kemper Profile Pack seeks to capture the sound of a Marshall 2204 with Ultra Phonix mod performed by Dumble. We got our hands on a CLONE of that amp and ran it thru our vintage 4x12 cabs. The result is a truly special Marshall-esque sound with sweeter cleans and low gain overdriven tones plus an extended gain range that goes much further than a normal 2204. Expect huge and…

Dirty Surly Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $20.00 Original Price: $28.00
Match C-30 Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00
Match Avenge Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $32.00
ACE 30/6 AMP Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00
M Abbey Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $28.00
Divide Eldy W Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $30.00
Brown Eyed Girl Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $30.00
Mark 5 Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $25.00
Peaty 100 Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $30.00
Loanster Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $30.00
Spacey Tone Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $25.00
Tweed Lowman Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $28.00
Card Scrambler Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00
British 74x Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $25.00
Ellie Pine Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $20.00 Original Price: $25.00

Bad Kitty Jude
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $25.00
Double Agent Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $25.00
Too Stone Bloom Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $20.00 Original Price: $30.00
Empire Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00
ACE 15HW Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00
Super Dark Magik Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00
Match C-30 Kemper Profile Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00
69 Vibe Rolex Pack
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00