SkyBird Kemper Profile Pack


The SkyBird Kemper Profile Pack seeks to capture the sounds of an early 1960s Gibson GA-5T Skybird. This circuit started its life as Gibsons version of a champ but with an odd ball tube array and different speakers. We profiles this circuit thru 3 separate speakers to give you 3 flavors of this little monster. 1 -10 inch Fender Blue Label, 2 - 12 inch Oxford, 3 - 15 inch JBL. You will notice as the speaker gets larger bass and warmth increase. This is a “forever amp” for HW, it will never leave the collection and is one of the all time great small amps out there….super underrated!

36 Profiles

+ - KLON
TS - TS10

1 - 10 Inch Fender Blue Label
2 - 12 inch Oxford
3 - 15 inch JBL

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