65 Vibrolux Kemper Profile Pack

65 Vibrolux Kemper Profile Pack


The 65 Vibrolux Kemper Profile Pack seeks to recreate the sound of a 1965 Fender Vibrolux with 2x10 blue label Fender speakers mic’d with a R121 and SM545. In a single word, “Snappy”… in a few more words the vibrolux’s sound is unique to most other blackface fenders in the character of the 2x10 open back cab. The tone is more snappy and sparkly but the 10 inch speakers provide a robust bottom end. Broken up the tone is more growling with a snappy treble response than a more traditional 12 inch speaker. In my humble opinion, the most underrated of all the blackface collection. We profiled both channels with the bright switch on and off pushed with a Klon and TS10 tube screamer. (I feel this circuit pairs especially well with Teles)

40 Studio Profiles

N - Normal Channel
V - Vibrato Channel
B - Bright switch
+ - Silver KLON
TS - TS10

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